Pregnancy Test and Birth Control

By: Emilly Miller
If you had an intercourse and suspect that you are pregnant then there are ways to know the actual situation by a Pregnancy Test. A Pregnancy Test checks for a special hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), in the urine or the blood. Its presence in the urine or blood indicates that the woman is pregnant. The hormone is also called the pregnancy hormone.

There are two types of pregnancy test, out of which one tests the blood and the other checks the urine for the pregnancy hormone. If you want to check it at home you can do a urine test at home. But if you want to have your blood tested then you have to visit the doctor.

These days’ women do the Test at home as they are inexpensive, private and easy to use. Urine tests tell you in about 2 weeks after ovulation if you are pregnant. While some urine claims that they can tell about the pregnancy just in a day if you are pregnant as early as one day after the missed period.

The Home pregnancy test can be accurate if they are used properly. If the kits are used according to the directions and if the expiry date is checked they turn out to be accurate. You should also know how to use them and when to you use them. Birth control as we all know is a method to prevent pregnancy. It helps you to decide when to have a child. There are different forms of birth controls. Each has its own pros and cons. It is necessary to know about all the methods that prevent you from being pregnant and at the same time giving you protection. These methods are used before you have sex. But when you have sex and come to know that you are pregnant then Emergency Pills can help you prevent pregnancy even after the sexual intercourse. They help you when an alternative birth control method fails to prevent pregnancy. Pregnancy can be prevented even after the intercourse by taking the Emergency Contraceptives pills (EC). These pills give the body a short high, bursts of synthetic that disrupts hormone patterns needed for pregnancy. EC is used within 120 hours after the intercourse and is most effective within 24 hours. This is not an abortion pill. It does not let your pregnancy go away if you are already pregnant.

The pill is also known as the “Morning After” pill or as post-coital contraception, the emergency pill works within three days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The levels of progestin are higher than other birth control pills in Emergency Pills. Although the Emergency pills prevent pregnancy up to 75% they do not protect against the reproductive tract infection and HIV/AIDS. The emergency pill is not effective if it is taken more than three days. The sooner it is taken the more effective it is.

Estrogen- containing EC is safe for women but the hormones can increase the risk for developing blood clots. Emergency Contraceptives reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Find more information visit: Pregnancy Test and Birth Control We at are providing you the choices you can make, to select your condom brands according to your needs.

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What About Hiv/Aids Infection And Recurrent Yeast Infections

By: Wangeci Kinyanjui
If you are a keen reader of any health articles you come across,and about yeast infections in particular,then you might have already realized that the yeast fungi do exist harmlessly in our bodies and there is not a single thing we can do about it.This is the reason why we at times experience the adverse effects of these yeast fungi when it has been provoked to cause the unthinkable harm on the same bodies that plays the supposed hosting role.Typically, the adverse effects I am talking about are the yeast infections which are more commonly linked with our feminine setup than men.As much as this is said to be normal and expected,recurrent yeast infections must be thought to be a more alarming health problem just like HIV infections.

Generally, yeast infections cannot only be restricted to our genital parts alone but the shameless Candida albicans will dare to cause trouble to the whole body system if unstopped.As such if you are a victim of these recurrent yeast infections its better to take yourself off to a checkup because this can be an indicator that you might have HIV/ AIDS.

If you are immaculate male or female who would rather not even let your imagination run riot about the word sex, then probably asking your doctor for a possibility of you having diabetes is the most crucial.Nevertheless,if you are the messy type,famous for checking what lurks between the legs every time then start counting down your probability of getting infected with any of the sexually transmitted diseases that are known causes of Hiv/Aids too.

Above and beyond, the recurrent yeast infections could be triggered by any sexually transmitted diseases.So what I am trying to clarify is the fact that the last test you had for sexually transmitted diseases did not expose the AIDS virus and that is accurate cause of recurrent yeast infection.You could be one of those people who have faced the reality of being diagnosed with one sexually acquired disease to another, but probably not HIV infection and that is why you are about to give up about the recurrent yeast infection.In fact you could have lived with this HIV virus for the longest time you could think of without being aware that you are a potential carrier and you have feared to get that voluntary test to know your status for long too.

In this particular article,i am giving you eye-opening information that might not get you off that recurrent yeast infection mess alone but also will help you manage your HIV status if positive.So I’ m encouraging you to get tested for this deadly infection because this will pave way for healing of that disgusting thrush in your mouth,esophagus, genital organs, skin and stomach.Gone are the days when HIV infected persons were stigmatized because of their condition, besides there are antiretroviral therapies offered at the hospitals that will prolong your life and built a strong immune system to fight back against recurrent yeast infections.

Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on recurrent yeast infections visit her site at RECURRENT YEAST INFECTIONS

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Glutathione Helps People Infected With HIV/AIDS

By: Rashmi Sharma
Human immunodeficiency virus, commonly known as HIV is a retrovirus that leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The immune system of a person suffering from HIV /AIDS gradually starts weakening and deteriorating, finally failing to resist diseases.

HIV is present in the form of free virus particles as well as virus in within the infected immune cells of the body fluids. The HIV infection is passed from one person to the other though the direct contact of infected body fluids. However, the main means through which HIV is transferred is through unsafe intercourse with an infected person, contaminated needles, breast milk and from an infected mother to her child.

HIV infection is spreading at a very fast pace infecting more and more number of people with each passing day. According to a latest estimation, about 0.6% of the total population of the world is infected with HIV, of which most of the people belong to Africa.

HIV starts spreading in the body, by mainly infecting the vital cells of the human immune system. The number of cells start declining and the body starts to loose its immunity due to which the body starts to become more prone to the different infections and diseases.

If the needed treatment is not available, then most of the people infected with HIV, develops AIDS in the long run which comes to an end along with death. Treatment with antiretroviral helps in increasing the life expectancy of people infected with HIV.

At present there is no complete cure or vaccine known for HIV (AIDS). The only protection from HIV is avoiding getting infected by the virus. However, antiretroviral treatment is believed to reduce the risk of the infection being spread if the treatment is started soon after exposure to the infection. Studies have shown that it is easier to control and treat children infected with HIV compared to adults.

Glutathione is an essential tripeptide present in our bodies. It is the body's own master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster.

Studies and researches conducted for many years have suggested that, with an increased level of glutathione in the body, HIV infected patients can improve their survival with the help of glutathione.

If the HIV infected patients have sufficient level of glutathione in the body, the body's master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster can prove to be beneficial for HIV patients to a great extent.

Studies and researches have shown that patients infected with HIV were having lower levels of glutathione in the body or were suffering from glutathione deficiency. Also due to depletion of glutathione in the body, the progression of the HIV infection in the body was faster which reduced the survival period of the infected persons.

Therefore, if a person infected with HIV maintains and improves the glutathione level in the body, it will prove to be of great help for him/her as the progression pace of the infection will be reduced and the survival period will also be improved.

MaxGXL is known to help patients with HIV /AIDS by helping the body cells of the infected persons to accelerate the glutathione production as much as up to 400%, thus improving the glutathione level in the body in a natural manner.

Dr. Robert Keller, the formulator of MaxGXL, created it specifically to treat the patients in his clinic in Hollywood, Florida. Dr. Keller's patients are typically immuno-affected with AIDS, Hepatitis C or Cancer.

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Teen Sex - Methods Which Keep You and Your Secret Safe if “secretly” Having Sexual Intercourse

Am I the ideal age to have sexual intercourse? In all honesty I am not sure and neither are a great many others. Each individual differs in mind and body, and because of this it results in everyone having a difference of an opinion on how they personally see themselves and to how they think. Although we have laws on the age of consent, more often than not the law is broken on a large scale. Children of the 21st century have attitude which they follow religiously when making a point. In our day attitude was never allowed into the equation. I often wonder was this a good or bad thing. Teenagers with a view become steadfast and fight the cause of what they have a view upon, and rightly so. Nonetheless if it involves sexual intercourse, then what we as parents do know for sure is, if you are not ready, aware or prepared then back to the days of old and forbid the teen attitude.
Most adults agree that 15 is not an ideal age to engage in teen sex. Being ready for sex has a lot more to do with maturity than how old you are. Sadly the teen sex experience is never really a doing - done with one solid partner, and this is the reason why you need to be aware of the dangers that can occur from having unprotected sex with different people. If you are fortunate and in a stable relationship then discuss your concerns and any issues you have with your partner before sexual intercourse. Ask yourself and partner are you both doing the right thing. Consider how having sex at an early age might affect your relationship. Does having sex mean the same thing to both of you? Talk to mom, she may not be happy - but she can certainly put you on the right track if you tend on going ahead regardless of what she says. Parents give support, however they will never encourage underage sex, but their need to protect will have them be there for you. So no more secrets and do the right thing. Tell your parents so as not to be looking over your shoulder all the time.
Why the decision to have sex early? Is it because you want to make your partner happy? Is it because you will feel more adult? Is it because your friends are doing it? These are not good enough reasons for losing your virginity. Remember sex doesn't prove love. It doesn't make you into a grown up, in fact you are more of an adult is you do the sensible thing and say no. And not everyone is having teen sex. Study shows 70 percent of 15-year-olds are still virgins.
Think contraception at every convenient moment. It only takes a moment to fall pregnant or catch a life threatening disease (STD). Go along to a family planning clinic and get protection to stay safe. Contraception is given freely along with advice. The age of consent differs for each country so check this out if you are a traveler who enjoys sex while on route.
The female condom is supposedly 79-95% effective. Its purpose is to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. The condom is a thin, loose-fitting and flexible plastic tube placed inside the vagina. A soft ring at the closed end of the tube covers the cervix during intercourse and holds it inside the vagina. Another ring at the open end of the tube stays outside the vagina and partly covers the lip region.
The good news is that the female condom can be inserted into the vagina up to 8 hours before intercourse. If this is your first time using the female condom then you may find it awkward. To condom can be inserted sitting or lying down whichever is comfortable. Some women lubricate while working the condom into place. Follow instructions provided accordingly and you should have no problem with insertion.
Insertion, squeeze the ring at the closed end of the tube. Use one hand to spread the outer lips, and insert the squeezed condom into the vaginal canal. The inner ring should be urged past the pubic bone and over the cervix. It is vitally important that this process is not rushed; it can unsettle the condom which could result in the condom not doing the job it was created to do. Make sure the condom is not twisted. About one inch of the open end will stay outside the body. The outer ring will need to be held in place during intercourse. After intercourse, squeeze and twist the outer ring to keeping fluids inside. Slowly pull it out and discard immediately. If there were a possibility that the condom was not inserted correctly or slipped then you need take the necessary precaution of taking the "Morning After" Pill.
The pill is a regular method of contraception taken by women worldwide to prevent pregnancy. If you're thinking of going on the pill your doctor will first have to determine if it is safe for you to take, e.g. any risk factors which would make you more liable to heart attacks or strokes. The pill is a tablet containing two female-type hormones - an oestrogen and progestogen. Various oestrogens and progestogens are used in some of the 22 different types of pill in the UK. The hormones halt ovulation. They also thicken secretions round the cervix making it more difficult for sperm to pass.
Sterilization and the contraceptive pill are both 100% effective. In the UK your prescription will include a pack containing 21 contraceptive pills. You take one every day for 21 days. Then you break for a week to allow for your period. In America it is not unusual for packs to contain 28 tablets - seven are 'dummies.' This is a fabulous idea for the forgetful. These are continually taken during the week's break. In Britain dummy packs are referred to as ED (every day). Like most medications there are always the pluses and the downsides. The pill helps ease period pain, shortens your period with light loss. The pill has been connected to certain cancers. Speak to your doctor about this. The best precaution you can take to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or avoid visiting an STD clinic is to say "NO."
Let the secret be known that teen sex is not a trendy behavior - nor will you be respected for all your sexual encounters. Do the sensible trendy thing, grow up and enjoy life and by doing this you gain respect from those who care about you.

Fighting Hiv/aids – Many Means, One Goal

Amidst the pessimism springing from the recent failure of about 150 prevention trials that failed to shield subjects against HIV infection, there's the resolve to continue research on developing a vaccine, and battle through all the challenges the process poses.
On a pessimistic note, hope of a vaccine in the short term isn't anywhere in sight as France's National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) has expressed. Though not in the short run, the Scripps Research Institute expressed optimism with a possibility of a vaccine in about 10 years. Till that time, the available HIV drugs need to reach one and all.
Apparently, HIV/Aids is quite a multi-headed monster. While efforts to curtail it continue, research reveals newer risky trends among people, and unravel findings that appear to be quite startling.
Risky Trends
Consider the case of India where and estimated 2 to 3.1 million HIV infected persons reside. Researchers inform that young call center workers are becoming a breeding ground for the infections because of unprotected sex with many partners amongst the staffers. About 1.3 million people graduate in India, many of whom choose to work in call centers due to good starting salaries of US$ 600 (from Indian standards).
But if you thought that India was alone, leading the trend, look at the trend in the UK, where about 33% men who have men as their sexual partners, and are aware of their HIV status, engage in unprotected and risky sexual behavior. The study was released by the Medical Research Council.
Research, while it unravels mysteries, sometimes it does so at the cost of shaking you out of comfort zone. For instance, the report, from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, notices increasing HIV/AIDS infection rates among intravenous drug users, sex workers and gay men. Or that, as a study published in the Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases reveals, that many people think their partners aren't infected, even without an STD/HIV testing.
However, not all is grim about the HIV/Aids scenario, a lot of efforts to fight it are underway.
A Shining Workplace Program
Realizing the gravity, the corporate sector in Mozambique has stepped forward to take the bull by the horns. Mozambique's Confederation of Business Associations (CTA) has unveiled a program called EcoSIDA that's meant to address the malady in workplaces. The aim of the body is to test workers find their HIV status. Perhaps, there are lessons in the initiative, for Indian call center industry to learn from.
In Florida, US, and with the National HIV Testing Day approaching on Friday, June 27, the health agencies and not-for-profit groups would host several educational events to inform and seek active participation Southwest Florida's minority communities. Minorities have higher than average infection rates.
Recently, the teenagers of the New York state made a request to the political leadership asking them to enact a Healthy Teens Act meant to provide fund for comprehensive sex education in schools. Similarly in India's National AIDS Control Board has approved the country's National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) to make care centers for kids with HIV.
Although it's heartening to see efforts on many fronts, however a lot remains to be done. While governmental policies do take time to take effect, education and initiatives to improve the reach of existing pharmaceutical drugs for HIV can perhaps be accomplished much faster.
About the Author:
I am a journalist with 7 years of experience. Though, as a professional I've reported on myriad topics, my favorites remain to be the medical and the automobile industry. I blog at Smiling Health

Relationship Between Vaginal Diseases and HIV / AIDS

Every time a woman is under tension mounting due to pain, embarrassments, itching, name them all, she first blames the yeast fungi Candida or the overgrowth of bacterium to have hitched her vaginal diseases. No single woman ever tries to reflect on her youth times and the rebelliousness that left her mum in bad temper. Many girls start sexual activity at a very tender age and this exposes them to sexually transmitted diseases as well as AIDS. Because their reproductive system is not yet mature, the girls become vulnerable to vaginal diseases then and even in their late womanhood.
As such it is very imperative for women and doctors to stop linking the vaginal diseases to yeast infections and over multiplication of vaginal bacteria, instead they must always consider the possibility of the vaginal diseases being a result of other infections. This is especially so if the woman is the kind whose sexual passion is nowhere near the rekindling type. Such a woman could grab some of the serious sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea unawares and this instead progress into a more persistent disgusting vaginal discharge, burning, irritation, itching and/or pain when passing urine.
Gonorrhea and the rest of sexually transmitted diseases if not treated fast,make mucosa covering of reproductive system unhealthy. This in turn facilitates the easy entry of any type of virus being benefited by this created environment. Remember it’s difficult to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases in women. The possibility of you living with it several months without noticing anything is high. The most important thing to do is frequent your gynecologist instead of treating wrong vaginal diseases such as yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis among others.
The first thing one must examine is the severity and frequency of vaginal diseases and if this rate is high, then your doctor must think of a possibility of there being a more grave disease that could be lowering your body immunity hence persistence of vaginal diseases.By being diagnosed with a different infection in the body such as HIV infection then you should commence anti-retro viral therapy right away as well discarding poor eating habits that aren’t fit, relative to your body strength. If the vaginal diseases still persist even after progressive therapy, then probably the yeast infections are also at hand and this should be treated too.
At a personal level it is important to evaluate our living habits that could instigate these vaginal diseases. For instance, if you are the type who can’t sleep well in your own bed without seeing the nakedness of a different man from the one you saw yesterday then the vaginal diseases can’t get tired of showing up around your private section particularly if safe sex is a vocabulary to your sex life. A person who is ignorant about the smell of the discharge and entire welfare of the vaginal parts cannot also stay away from vaginal diseases. One must ensure they shower as much as is necessary and wear clean, absorbent and loose underwear to stop the fungi, bacterial to multiply.
About the Author:
Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on Vaginal Diseases visit her site at VAGINAL DISEASES

Herbal and Natural AIDS Cure HIV

By: Drrao
The word HIV/AIDS is so threatening that it had created a fear in the mind of the people. This is a deadly disease where the people are knowingly or unknowingly getting addicted to it. Many innocent people are becoming victims to this disease.
The medications which are curable with no harm and side effects that is the dietary supplements. So ultimately you have chosen a right place for your medications which are tried, tested and the proven ones with no side effects and no harm.
When we see the stats of the chronic diseases like aids, cancer and others are increasing in number than decreasing. This happens due to these main things that are improper diet, lack of nutrition, breathing impure air, having junk foods, getting addicted to the bad habits and many more. The people are really not thinking of the healthy living they just want to lead the life of their wish. And this is the main reason why the man is getting affected with such chronic diseases.
More information meets: dr jack
HIV AIDS is an infectious disease which causes lots of death in the world wide. This is deadly disease where the person battles with the life and death. He fights for the survival and getting rid of the disease. But this fatal disease does not allow them to lead a life. It goes on killing the person with depression or any with other reasons.
What is HIV and AIDS?
The word HIV stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus and AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus. The HIV is a viral that uses the nutrients and energy provided by the human cells to grow and reproduces to infect the human cells. AIDS is the next final stage of HIV which makes breakdowns the immune system of the human body and makes unable to fight against infections or the other illness. But sometimes it takes decade or two to turn out from HIV to AIDS if the person has started to undergo the medical care. The symptoms may not be seen for years together to some they may get it later also.
This disease can be seen even in man, woman or even children. According to the estimates of the United Nations HIV/ AIDS says that there are approximately 40 million of HIV/AIDS sufferers. But this is not getting an end at all. Day by day this disease is increasing in the people. They are getting affected with it in one or the other way. This disease has killed millions of people and have left millions of the children as orphans away from the love of parents. It has made its wide by conquering the place of the deadly diseases like malaria and tuberculosis. The wide spread of this disease in the world has made it to stand in the fourth position for the more death causes in the present generation.
The transmission of this disease is as follows:
Unprotected sexual intercourse with the positive person either vaginal or anal
Unprotected oral sex with the someone who has HIV
Sharing needles and syringes with someone who has HIV without sterilizing it
Infection during pregnancy
Mother to child in the womb
Breast feeding to the baby
From a blood transfusion from positive person to healthy person
How to prevent the disease from
Not sharing the needles and syringes which are used to inject drugs after used by a person either he may be a positive or not
Not to have sexual intercourse with many and if you have then their is an urge to use the protection condom during it
Not to have the sexual relationship with the person who has been positive.
Have a test over the blood before its transfusion
Use the sterilized or new needles
Educate yourself and try to spread about this to the people who are vulnerable about it
The utmost and bottom line is that you should treat someone with HIV or AIDS the same as anyone else. In fact, they need your friendship and support more than ever. Just think how you would feel in their place. Now a man can survive for years together after getting HIV infection. This can happen when the man starts to have medical care before they begin to get sick. Knowing that you are HIV positive you will take precautions to prevent others being affected from it. But yet the HIV is scary stuff as it has no cure, no medicine, and no vaccine to prevent AIDS. But we have to be thankfully that the virus doesn't easily enter the body from person to person. And Aids Is surely cure by herbal and natural products these are the effective and safe treatment for HIV aids
About the Author:
Dr Jack is a Conventionally Trained Western Medical Doctor from India and fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). He is also trained in traditional supplements since the age of 5 years to practice complimentary alternate supplements.
For more information contact: dr jack

AIDS And Women

Today AIDS is the fifth leading cause of death among all adults aged 25 to 44 in the United States. Among African-Americans in the 25 to 44 age group, AIDS is the leading cause of death for men and the second leading cause of death for women. Our society needs to become aware that by not protecting ourselves we are killing ourselves and that this has to stop.
Although most of the signs and symptoms of HIV infection are similar in men and women, some are more specific to females. For example:
Vaginal yeast infections may be chronic, more severe, and difficult to treat in women with HIV infection than in women who are uninfected.
Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the female reproductive organs, may also be more frequent and severe in women with HIV infection.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, which cause genital warts, may occur more frequently in HIV-infected women, and can lead to pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix or cancer of the cervix.
Taking anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy—either a drug called zidovudine or AZT only or in combination with new drugs called extremely involved antiretroviral therapy (HAART)—a mother can significantly cut the chances that her infant will have infected with HIV.
Delivering the infant by cesarean part, and doing then before the mother’s uterine membranes tear naturally, reduces infection that may happen during the birth procedure. Use of anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy and saving, combined with a cesarean part in women with sure levels of HIV in their blood, can cut the opportunity that the infant will be infected to little than 2 percentage.
Avoidance of breastfeeding by a HIV-infected mother. HIV can be scatter to babies through the bosom milk of mothers infected with the virus. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that, in countries such as the United States, where infant formula is secure and is frequently accessible and cheap, HIV-infected women eat their infants commercially accessible formula instead of breastfeeding.
About the Author

Drugs For Treating Aids May Prevent People From Catching AIDS

In one of the most promising developments in more than 20 years, scientists claim that drugs used to control HIV/AIDS in patients may also be effective in preventing the disease in the first place.
The drugs in question are tenofovir (Viread) and emtricitabine, or FTC (Emtriva), sold in combination as Truvada by Gilead Sciences Inc. Gilead is the California company best known for inventing Tamiflu.
Previous research has been aimed at finding a vaccine against HIV/AIDS, with the intention of conditioning the immune system against the disease. But these drugs work differently. They simply keep the virus from reproducing, and have already been used successfuly by health care workers to prevent them from being infected by the virus carried by patients.
This approach to fighting HIV/AIDS has been tempting researchers for many years, but has only recently become feasible as preventative drugs have been developed that are safe for non-infected persons to take. Previous drugs had unreasonable effects for uninfected persons.
That situation changed when Tenofovir came on the market in 2001. Tenofovir is powerful and safe, and it only has to be taken once a day. It also does not interact with other medicines or birth control pills, and manifests less drug resistance than other AIDS medications.
** Monkey studies show exciting results
A major study by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta, Georgia involved six macaques. The monkeys were given a combination of Tenofovir and FTC and then administered a deadly combination of monkey and human AIDS viruses. They were given the viruses in rectal doses to simulate contact between gay men.
Each was given 14 weekly exposures of the virus, and none of the monkeys became infected. In a control group which did not receive the drugs, all but one got the disease, normally after just two exposures.
The scientists then stopped giving the drugs to the test group to see if the prevention was only temporary. The results were equally impressive. None of the monkeys contracted the disease. "We're now four months following the animals with no drug, no virus. They're uninfected and healthy," reported a CDC researcher.
Now other research teams are pushing to have this drug combination tested on humans. A $29 million CDC study of drug users in Botswana will now be switched to this new drug combination.
Another study of 400 heterosexual women in Ghana by the Family Health Initiative, and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is studying the effects of tenofovir alone.
But several other studies have failed to materialize because studies of this nature immediately raise suspicions that scientists are using local people as guinea pigs. The fear is that they will intentionally expose the test subjects to the virus.
The cost of tenofovir and Truvada also make testing difficult. In African countries condoms are now liberally donated by companies, aid groups, UN agencies, and western governments. While the drugs are relatively cheap, the cost remains an impediment.
Nevertheless researchers have been reinvigorated by the stunning results out of Atlanta, and new tests are going ahead in pockets of interest around the world.
About the Author

10 Essential Food Safety Tips For AIDS Sufferers

by: Terry Nicholls

Persons with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are especially susceptible to illness from food-borne pathogens. Because they're at higher risk for severe illness or death, affected persons must be vigilant when handling and cooking foods. Here are some recommendations to help prevent bacterial food-borne illness.
1. When shopping for raw and cooked perishable foods, be sure the food is being stored at a safe temperature in the store. Don't select perishable food from a non-refrigerated aisle display. Never choose packages which are torn or leaking.
2. When ordering food from the deli department, be sure the clerk washes his hands between handling raw and cooked items or puts on new plastic gloves. Don't buy cooked ready-to-eat items which are touching raw items or are displayed in the same case.
3. Don't buy cans that are dented, leaking, or bulging; food in cracked glass jars; or food in torn packaging. Tamper- resistant safety seals should be intact. Safety buttons on metal lids should be down and should not move or make a clicking noise when pushed. Do not use any product beyond its expiration date!
4. Immediately refrigerate or freeze perishable foods after transporting them home. Make sure thawing juices from meat and poultry do not drip on other foods. Leave eggs in their carton for storage and don't place them in the door of the refrigerator. Keep the refrigerator clean.
5. Food stored constantly at 0 °F will always be safe. Only the quality suffers with lengthy storage. It's of no concern if a product date expires while the product is frozen. Freezing keeps food safe by preventing the growth of micro- organisms that cause both food spoilage and food-borne illness. Once thawed, however, these microbes can again become active so handle thawed items as any perishable food.
6. Store canned foods and other shelf stable products in a cool, dry place. Never put them above the stove, under the sink, in a damp garage or basement, or any place exposed to high or low temperature extremes.
7. Wash hands, utensils, can openers, cutting boards, and countertops in hot, soapy water before and after coming in contact with raw meat, poultry, or fish.
8. Many cases of food-borne illness are caused by take-out, restaurant, and deli-prepared foods. Avoid the same foods when eating out as you would at home. Meat, poultry, and fish should be ordered well done; if the food arrives undercooked, it should be sent back.
9. Wash cutting boards with hot, soapy water after each use; then rinse and air dry or pat dry with fresh paper towels. Non-porous acrylic, plastic, or glass boards and solid wood boards can be washed in an automatic dishwasher (laminated boards may crack and split).
10. Do not eat raw or undercooked meat, poultry, fish, or eggs. For people with AIDS, the most important thing is to use a meat thermometer to be sure meat, fish, eggs, and casseroles reach at least 160 °F. Roast whole poultry to 180 °F; poultry breasts to 170 °F. When reheating foods in the microwave, cover and rotate or stir foods once or twice during cooking and check the food in several spots with a thermometer.

About The Author
Terry Nicholls is the author of the eBook "Food Safety: Protecting Your Family From Food Poisoning". For more tips like these, and to learn more about his book, visit his website at


HIV / AIDS Complementary Treatment

by: Jan Greeff

Latest technology complementary and supportive products are achieving remarkable results.
A leading firm of clinical consultants who have been contracting to Medical Aid Funds to manage approximately 6 500 persons living with HIV/AIDS on an ongoing basis for many years, reports as follows:

"We are contracted to render HIV disease management services to numerous patients of several medical schemes. We have been using Phytogard as an immune booster for the past 4 years with exceptional results.

Some patients are currently controlled on Phytogard alone and maintain or improve their CD4 counts while reducing Viral Loads.

Five of our contracted medical schemes are funding the inclusion of Phytogard in our disease management protocols."

The success of Phytogard is mainly due to Foodstate*tm technology. For the first time in history specialised vitamin and mineral combinations are presented to the body as food. Utility is improved by up to 15 times compared to chelated chemical isolates and inorganics.

The unique, synergistic and cost-efficient combination of ingredients in Phytogard has been developed in collaboration with leading laboratories from all over the world. They consist of vitamins A and B12, Selenium and Zinc, all in Foodstate*tm form, n-Acetyl Cysteine, Betasitosterols and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

These products can add significant value to complementary health services worldwide.

For more information, please contact Jan Greeff in Barberton, South Africa

Tel. +2713 712 2436 e-mail to SMS only to +278 454 838 90 or visit

About The Author

I’m Jan Greeff, married to Juanita since 1973. We have four children, four grandchildren, and are known as the wellness family.

I have been a Lifestyle Consultant for more than twelve years. It has been my privilege to be instrumental in safe, natural intervention to improve the quality of life of countless persons.

My intervention strategy is aimed at achieving optimum wellness via balanced nutrition, moderate exercise and fulfilling relationships.

Latex Condoms - Are They Really Safe?

By Navneet Brar

Whenever anybody talks about safe sex, the only one thing that comes to our minds is the use of condoms. There is nothing to be embarrassed about this. After all, the whole creation on this earth is the outcome of sex between the two members of the opposite sex. So, lets talk about the use of condoms to have safe sex.
If you use a latex condom correctly and consistently, and avoid sexual practices then you are lowering the risk of contracting AIDS and other STDs like chlamydia infections, genital herpes, gonorrhea, veneral warts and syphilis. But this does not mean that condoms will completely eliminate your risk of contracting these highly contagious diseases.
Sometimes, these condoms are made of animal membrane and the pores in such natural SKIN condoms may allow the HIV (AIDS virus) to pass through. So, this is the reason why latex condoms are highly recommended.
Conditions for Safe Sex
1. the condom you are using should be undamaged
2. apply it before the genital contact
3. remain intact until the condom is removed on completion of the sexual activity
4. extra lubrication (or with lubricated condoms) is recommended to prevent condom breakage
5. only water-based lubricants should be used as oil-based lubricants can cause breakage of condom
Female Condoms
A female condom will reduce the risk of contracting an STD. It is said that most of the female-directed contraception like contraceptive pills, do not provide that much protection against STDs. But some studies claim that the use of the spermicide nonoxynol-9 decreases the frequency of some of the STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydial infection.
Now, after this piece of information, won't you like to go for water-based condoms that are extremely safe to use and protect you from HIV- a virus causing AIDS and other STDs! So, here is all about latex condoms use that you need to know for a better sex life.
For more entertainment, go for information on sexuality and enhance your sex life. Make it rocking!!!

Why fear Pregnancy more than HIV-AIDS?

By: Julia Jones
It is a great concern to fear pregnancy as it is associated with complications and problems when proper care is not taken. Women who belong to the poor countries are often denied the very basics human rights such as equality, education, health care and economic security. They do cannot protect them from unwanted continuous pregnancies.

The trend of early marriages is still prevalent in many parts of the world. In many developing countries more than 20% women give birth before the age of 18 while in many other countries more than half of the young girls in their teens give birth to their first child. They are victims of physical assault in the male dominated society. This makes them more vulnerable to HIV and problems related with pregnancies. The pregnant women who are HIV infected are forced to abort the unborn child and most of the times are treated as an outcaste.

More than half of the women die of pregnancy complications every year in developing countries. It is of great concern to equally fear pregnancy as HIV-AIDS. Pregnancy at an early age is associated with many complications. There is fear of premature delivery that harms the baby. The teenage girls are not fully developed and healthy. The teenage girls are not able to take care of the babies as a grown up mother. In developed countries the teens who become parents due to unprotected sex have poor eating habits and are unable to take care of them and the child. Moreover they involve into drinking and create problems for them as the teenage mother and for the child.

In many poor countries the women feel the pressure of giving birth to a male child and as such result in getting pregnant a number of times until they give birth to a son. This is typically seen in orthodox and poor families. Getting pregnant continuously causes the women to become weak and fragile especially when no proper care is taken. Women have complications when they get pregnant in unplanned and at an early age whether they are from a developing or developed country. Even normally women develop pregnancy complications if proper care is not taken. Every year half a million women die due to complications of pregnancy and out of these 99% deaths occur in developing countries.

In America more than 1 million teenagers become pregnant every year which is highest than any western industrialized country. This is alarming as pregnancy in teens brings down the level of education and employment opportunities. Another great risk attached with pregnancy is the spread of infection from the mother to the baby. The virus can be transmitted to her baby during pregnancy, labor, delivery and breastfeeding. If the HIV positive woman takes the correct treatment during pregnancy then the chances of passing the virus to the baby are quite low. Lack of proper means to prevent unintended pregnancies is a public health threat as it results in deaths of a large number of women. There is yet another factor related to pregnancy that is unwanted delivery. Such deliveries are bad for the parents as well as the child who is to be brought up. It creates a lot of psychological problems for the child. Moreover if women go for abortions then too there is a risk for the women as complications arise due to unsafe abortions.

Education associated with pregnancies should be given in underdeveloped countries and especially to teenagers in both the developed and developing countries. Knowledge should be imparted on pregnancy complications so that the risk involved in it does not arise and cause harm to both the mother and the child.
Find more information visit: Why fear Pregnancy more than HIV-AIDS? We at are providing you the choices you can make, to select your condom brands according to your needs.
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We Must Register AIDS Carriers and Homosexual Men

By Lance Winslow

It is a law that we register deadly weapons with the authorities. It is a law that if you are a black belt in a Martial Art, that you must register your hands as a deadly weapon in many states. In fact if you are in a fight and hurt someone, you will be charged with aggravated assault because you know how to use your limbs to kill. Well then if you are a homosexual male with a promiscuous displacement as most are by nature, then shouldn’t one in that case register their member? This may sound like some sort of funny comment, registering one’s sexual organ as a deadly weapon, although if a person with AIDS knowingly has sex with another, that is in fact attempted murder, therefore AIDS Carriers should be registered. These registered names should be on the Internet for all to see in the local area incase they attempt to pick someone up at a bar and so that if someone is to use the online dating methods, the other party can check to see if their potential homosexual date has the virus ahead of any meeting.
We need to register the high-risk people in our society who are most likely to contract and spread AIDS. Someone who is bi-sexual can introduce AIDS into the heterosexual populations, where it will spread and kill those in a much lower risk category. We need AIDS lists of Homosexuals for online dating, so that those who choose to do online dating or best prefer such methods of meeting people can quickly and effortlessly cross reference the persons name to see if they are infected.
In many nations we see the AIDS epidemic out of control. As the Homosexual movement becomes socially acceptable we will have a much tougher time controlling it in the United States, we must be sure to stop the spread of AIDS and of course work diligently on a cure simultaneously. Those who have AIDS should do what is right and volunteer to put themselves on the list for the benefit of all. Those who refuse must be forced onto the list to prevent the intentional spreading of the disease. Think on this, it is a highly unpopular view, but one we must consider to prevent the spread of this deadly disease.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Anal Sex

By: Kate Miller
One out of every four women is engaged in anal sex yet it is misunderstood and many women are reluctant to experiment with anal sex. The anus is the moist, sensitive area of the woman. It contains a vast supply of nerves and thus stroking and messaging can be intensely pleasurable. It means that the undersides of a woman, her inner thighs, and the outer lips of the labia are areas that bring pleasure on giving stimulation to it.

The stimulation of the anus during sexual activity is anal sex that can be performed manually, orally or by anal intercourse. For manual stimulation of the anus the finger is inserted into the anus during vaginal intercourse. Some use the tongue in a similar manner for oral stimulation.

When a man inserts his penis into the partner’s rectum it is anal intercourse. Anal penetration is pleasurable but some couples find some kind of pain during such an intercourse. It is because you are not performing correctly. The anus does not produce its own natural lubrication, so lot of water-based lubricants should be used Risk associated with anal sex

• There are more chances of HIV transmission through anal sex, especially anal intercourse. The risk is greater than vaginal intercourse as the rectum tears more easily than the vagina. All those who perform anal intercourse should use latex condoms as they are the best option to reduce the risk if HIV transmission.

• There are chances of HPV (Human papilloma virus) to be transmitted during anal intercourse which can lead to anal warts which can further affect the infected individuals to cancer of the anal canal.

• Hepatitis A can be transmitted by oral anal contact that can cause jaundice and abdominal pain.

• Hepatitis C can also be transmitted by anal intercourse that can lead to fatal chronic liver disease.

Therefore it is necessary to use condoms while having anal intercourse. The same condom should not be used for anal and vaginal penetration as bacteria living in the anus can cause serious infections if passed to the vagina. As such it is important to be very careful.

Women can be hurt during anal intercourse therefore the men should be careful during the performance. If the penetration is forced into the anus it can cause injury. It is always good to use lot of lubrication and go for manual stimulation before anal intercourse. If women have internal pain or see blood, then they need to see their health care provider although it does not happen often.
We at are providing you the choices you can make, to select your condom brands according to your needs.
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